Am I an Alcoholic?
Updated: Oct 26, 2023
My first thought after a drunken bender lasted a full week, and my teenage daughter telling me she wanted to leave if I continued to drink. Hmmmmm... maybe I did have a problem? (I included two pics of me with my kids when I was a practicing alcoholic)
Life become unmanageable? Full disclosure: If you are asking yourself this question it's most likely you are.
But not to worry! Your life isn't over and there's help on the way!
My guess is that you're reading this article because it's scary to admit. But let me ask you. Scary for who? Your family? My guess is it's been pretty negative in that area for you.
Friends? It's probably a different scenario between the ones you drink with and the ones you don't. I bet your work isn't at its peak and I bet you argue or get mad a lot.
But the scariest part, if I may, is to you, the idea of no more alcohol in your life...
No more functioning without booze....aahhh!! Literally the scariest admission of my life. How was I to socialize, parent and basically function daily without beer, wine, liquor, yes...all the above! I've been sober for four years now, but suffered in the same way. There is a way to overcome.
I couldn't do it without AA. I couldn't do it without the connections and meetings. Working through the 12 Steps, of course. But mainly the people. People just like me. I finally felt understood.
It's not all about quitting. It's about replacing.
Replace drinking in the evenings, to numb myself, with talking through what's bothering me at AA.
Replace drinking by myself, depressed watching tv, with exercising at the gym.
Replace filling my body with toxins and empty calories with eating whole foods and drinking enough helpful fluids in a day.
Replace negative thoughts and self talk with yoga, meditation and prayer.
Then it's about creating.
Creating a life worth staying sober for.
A life that is full because it's been magically orchestrated by sober thinking.
There's my love and me on a cruise this past summer. We had the time of our lives without a drop of alcohol. The best part is I remember every moment.
Search up AA times in your area. Hugs.